Pleasant Mountain Music is Vancouver’s home of metal and this spring we are proud to announce our first heavy metal guitar clinic. Unleash your inner beast and come get loud with us Monday May 6!
“Wielding Your Axe” – with Hugo
Monday, May 6 @ 7:00-9:00pm
– work with Metal and Funk guitar specialist Hugo to workshop several metal guitar stylings using power chords, palm muting, repetitive riffs, and pentatonic/blues scales
Featuring the music of: Led Zeppelin (Immigrant Song), Metallica (Master of Puppets), ACDC (Back in Black)
– Ages 16 and up (must be an intermediate player, i.e. have already played for a couple of years in a band, or have taken private instruction)
– Participants must bring their guitar with them to the clinic, we will provide amps
– Registration closes Monday April 29!
Don’t delay register today! https://www.pleasantmountainmusic.ca/register/
Learn to Play. Love to Play. Live to Play. Today!